Membership Event: Cliff House & Sutro Baths Tour
Lands End Lookout

A tour around the Cliff House and the Sutro Baths by John Martini. The Cliff House portion will include a walk-around of the historic structure, recounting its history from the Civil War to present, and a briefing of its new future. The visit to the Baths will include a walk downhill to view the ruins and explore the mysterious tunnel through Point Lobos, an uphill climb to the old Sky Tram overlook where we'll see the 1880s catch basin that sent roiling seawater to the Baths, and a long flight of stairs which will bring us back to the Lands End Lookout.

Difficulty level: Semi-strenuous (steep stairs down to Sutro Baths area)

Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.